6.Manage Products ↑ Back to Top
Store Owners can view all the product details such as the assigned Profile name, Product selling price, and Product inventory also they can edit the product meta-keys and assign the profile to the products. Also, the admin can upload the selected products to the Lazada marketplace.
Thus, store owners can perform the following tasks:
- Upload The Selected Products.
- Update The Selected Products.
- Update The Stock/Price of Selected Products.
- Delete The Selected Products.
Uploading The Selected Products
In the products section, select the checkboxes associated with the products to Upload Products. In the dropdown placed next to the Bulk Actions field, select the Upload, and then click on the Apply button as mentioned in the screenshot:
The selected products are uploaded, and a success message appears on the page.
Updating The Selected Products
In the products section, select the checkboxes associated with the products to Update Products. In the dropdown placed next to the Bulk Actions field, select the Update Products, and then click on the Apply button as mentioned in the screenshot:
The selected products are updated, and a success message appears on the page.
Updating The Stock/Price of Selected Products
In the products section, select the checkboxes associated with the products to Update the Stock of selected products. In the dropdown placed next to the Bulk Actions field, select the Update Stock and Price, and then click on the Apply button as mentioned in the screenshot:
The stocks of selected products are updated, and a success message appears on the page.
Delete The Selected Products
In the products section, select the checkboxes associated with the products to Delete the selected products. In the dropdown placed next to the Bulk Actions field, select the Update Price, and then click on the Apply button as mentioned in the screenshot:
The price of selected products is updated, and a success message appears on the page.
Also, the store owners can check the products by setting the filters such as-
Product Status- In this, the store owners can see the products based upon their status as mentioned in the screenshot:
- Uploaded,
- Not Uploaded
Product Category-In this, the store owners can see the products based upon their category as mentioned in the screenshot:
Product Type-In this, the store owners can see the products based upon their type as mentioned in the screenshot: