- Overview
- Getting Started
- How To Install the Walmart Integration App
- How to get Walmart API keys?
- Configuration Setup
- Dashboard of the App
- Profiling
- How to assign SKUs to shipping templates?
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- Product Feeds
- Manage Promotional Price
- Orders
- Import and Export Product CSV
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1.Overview ↑ Back to Top
Around 100 million unique monthly visitors make Walmart.com an ideal destination for 3P online sellers to connect with their targeted audiences especially in the wake of the State of the Inbound report which states 63% of marketers still find attracting relevant traffic to their website the biggest challenge.
Walmart.com, an invitation-only marketplace, accepts 3P sellers who can offer quality products and great after-sales service.
Role of Walmart Integration app:
To facilitate a seamless selling experience at Walmart.com, CedCommerce, the official channel integration partner of Walmart.com, offers an integration app that enables Shopify sellers to connect their stores with Walmart.com and move the products from their Shopify store to Walmart. The integration app comes with several features, as listed below, which make selling on Walmart.com an effortless task:
1. Set up Items
With this app, simply choose the products you want to list on Walmart.com and upload them in one go. Not only this, map the product categories and attributes of items in Bulk with respective Walmart product categories and attributes.
2. Real-Time Synchronization
The app synchronizes Shopify Store’s products with Walmart.com, so whenever you make any changes in the product title, description, inventory, prices, etc., or receive orders from Walmart.com, everything gets synchronized in real-time.
3. Bulk Editor
The bulk edit feature of the Walmart Integration App helps you edit the product attributes in bulk. You can select the products for which you want to perform bulk editing (based on category) and edit all of their attributes at once.
4. Retire and Re-Inject products hassle-free
The app lets you retire products you no longer want to be shown on Walmart.com. You can choose all such products and upload them through CSV to retire them. Also, if the need arises, you can instantly re-inject them again.
5. Run Promotional Campaigns
The promotional pricing feature lets you offer great deals to your targeted audiences. The promotional pricing shows earlier pricing, current pricing, and the amount saved to influence decision-making. With this app, sellers can create clearance and reduced-type deals.
6. Advanced Product Listings
You can easily optimize your Walmart product listings as per the updated guidelines by Walmart. You get the advanced attribute listings and image selection feature which helps you in the same.
7. Manage Orders
Whether you are managing your orders via Deliverr or any other shipping service, the app will get your Walmart orders created in your Shopify store from where you can ship them.
8. Accept Partial Orders
With this app, you can also accept partial orders and ship the in-stock products. The rest of the order gets transferred to other sellers who can fulfill it, so you don’t lose out on the revenue which you would have lost earlier, had it not been the feature of Partial Orders Management.
9. Shipment Management
The integration app makes shipment management quick and hassle-free. With it, you can easily set 2-day shipping on all or selected products on Walmart.com.
You can also create shipping templates with the app. By creating shipping templates, you can uniformly apply shipping settings for a set of products in one go. And you can create various shipping templates if you want to create different shipping rules for different products and apply different settings to them.
10. Inventory Location
The inventory location feature helps you ship products from any of your inventory locations. This helps you accept orders and ship products from an inventory location where the product is available, rather than canceling orders due to insufficient inventory at any particular inventory location.
11. Win Buy Box with Walmart Repricing
The Walmart Repricing feature of the integration app enables you to automate the pricing of your products depending on data sets provided by you. The product price helps you win the Walmart buy-box if the revised product pricing lies between the set of price values provided by you.
You can always find the latest version of the software, full documentation, demos, screenshots, and reviews at apps.shopify.com.
License agreement: https://apps.cedcommerce.com/integration/walmart-policy/walmart-shopify.pdf
Contact Us: https://cedcommerce.com/contacts
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