3.Settings On Lazada ↑ Back to Top
In the settings section, the store owners have to select some commonly applicable settings on the Lazada marketplace.
The Settings Section of Lazada includes two sections:
- General Settings.
- Scheduler Information.
a. General Settings- In general settings, the store owners are required to fill in the details successfully-
- Size Format- In size format, the store owners are required to fill the size formats of their products.
- Markup Type- Under this, you will select if you want the rates on Lazada to increase or decrease or remain constant
- Markup Price- In this, you will fix the amount of money that you want to alter from the rates of the original listing to show a final rate on Lazada.
- Conversion Rate- Here you will select from which to which currency you want to convert your rates.
b. Scheduler Information- In the scheduler information, the store owners can schedule the events in the sections discussed below:
- Order Sync Scheduler- Selecting this option will enable the syncing of the orders at the intervals selected by you.
- Inventory Sync Scheduler- Selecting this option will enable the syncing of the inventory at the intervals selected by you.
Once done, hit the “SAVE” button.