3.Configure the App ↑ Back to Top
The section can be found in the second position from the top of the navigation bar. The configuration section lets you create sets of rules and arrange how the marketplace works concerning the application. You can enable and disable numerous features to be applied in the marketplace.
You can configure 7 different types of settings for your marketplace.
- General
- Supplier
- Catalog
- Orders
- Transactions
- Membership
- Frontend
General Configuration
The general configuration displays the administrator’s account detail, including details like the currency in use, admin username, and email address.
The section allows the admin to understand the steps and procedures to move ahead and create a public profile for vendors.
By following the instructions (adding /apps/sellers/all at the end of your Shopify URL), you allow sellers access to their public profile.
The section also educates on how an admin can create a menu for suppliers to register by setting a direct registration link for vendors.
Email Configuration
The email configuration settings let you enter the details for all the emails sent to the suppliers. It includes details like Sender name, email address, email password, and enabling/disabling sub-user invitation notifications.
Account configuration
You can enable and disable various rules and regulations governing the creation and management of suppliers’ accounts that are in sync with your marketplace. The page lets you manage various aspects of the supplier information like enabling Terms & Conditions, mode of connection for the supplier, etc.
The app enables the administrator to send feedback request emails to shoppers making purchases on the marketplace. Through this section, you can enable/disable the automated review mail to the buyers while selecting the stage at which the automated mail needs to be sent and the amount of duration to wait before sending the feedback mail.
The section lets you create a list of FAQs you want to create for your vendors. The FAQs can contain the most basic information and questions any seller might have concerning the marketplace.
- Click on the Add FAQ button.
- Add the question and its answer when the dialogue box appears.
- You can also edit outdated FAQs or remove them that serve no purpose anymore.
The section lets you decide the events in which emails will be sent to your suppliers. All an administrator needs to do is to either select the Enable or Disable option for each option. The options for the automated emails include:
- Supplier Registration Notification
- Supplier Approval Notification
- Supplier Disapproval Notification
- Supplier Delete Notification
- Supplier Account Enable Notification
- Supplier Account Disable Notification
An administrator gets to use various means to support a supplier when listing their product on the marketplace. The options that can be used include:
- Admin approval for adding products
- Requests from suppliers to add categories
- Permitted catalog size
- Allowed categories on the marketplace
- Adding an SKU prefix for all the products listed on the marketplace
The section allows you as an administrator to enable and disable emails to be sent to the suppliers for the events mentioned below.
- Supplier Product Approval Notification
- Supplier Product Disapproval Notification
When the marketplace receives an order, you get to forward the order details to the vendor. Here, you can either share the customer details with the vendor or hide the details by selecting the No option.
Also, you can establish whether a vendor can ship products on their own, or you’ll be doing it for them by enabling or disabling the Supplier can ship configuration.
The application will automatically send emails to your vendors when a buyer purchases their product and subsequently send further emails depending on the ongoing activities for the given order viz. Shipment email and an Order cancel email.
Note: By default, the order emails are enabled. If you do not want to send the mail, you need to set them to No.
The section lets you manage the status of ongoing transactions from the app itself by entering details and enabling various options for the marketplace. The permissions include,
- Require Admin Approval: Enable/Disable whether admin permission is required to complete a transaction.
- Allow the supplier to request payments: Select Yes, if you want suppliers to request a payout.
- Payment Release After (days): The number of days it will take to process the payment.
- Payment Release Day: Set the day you’ll release the payment to your suppliers after deducting a commission.
- Commission Type: You can select from either fixed commission or Percentage value from the sale amount.
- Commission Value: Enter the fixed/percentage value for the commission to be charged per transaction.
- Marketplace Fee: Add a marketplace and the respective fee that one needs to pay when they list on the marketplace.
- Service Tax Type: Enter the fixed/percentage value for the service tax charged per transaction.
- Service Tax Value: Enter the fixed/percentage value for the commission to be charged as service tax per transaction.
- Apply Fee for Delayed Fulfilment: Enable/Disable whether a supplier gets fined in the case of delayed shipment.
- Fine for Delayed Fulfilment: Enter the value that’ll be charged in case you enable a fine for delayed shipment.
Enable/ Disable the automated email to the suppliers to inform them of the subscription details and updates.
- Membership
- PayPal
- Enable or disable the option for suppliers to use subscriptions using PayPal.
You can enable the given notification mails for your suppliers.
- Subscription Activate Notification
- Subscription Expire Notification
- Subscription Cancel Notification
- Subscription Renew Notification
Membership for sellers can be enabled and disabled for vendors by Disabling the membership plan to No (by default, it is set to Yes). Vendors can subscribe to your marketplace plans using PayPal as a payment option when enabled.
To enable the membership payment option, the admin must copy and paste the required Paypal details in respective sections, i.e., Application Client ID and the Application Secret.
The application will automatically send emails to your vendors when they purchase a plan, and subsequently, further emails will be sent when their plan either gets renewed, expired, or canceled.
Note: By default, the membership emails are enabled. If you do not want to send the mail, you’ll be to set them to No.
The settings let you configure the looks and feel of the front end of the marketplace which includes adding and replacing the logos, suppliers’ banners, and suppliers’ logos.
The app also supports you in making your marketplace SEO friendly by adding a Meta title, Meta descriptions, robot text, and much more.
Landing Page
You can also create and configure the designated landing page for the marketplace. The app lets you create the Header, subheader, and toggle between enabling and disabling options for adding Cards, Carousel, Blogs, FAQs, and Footer.
Once you enable the options to add the Header, Card, Carousel, Blog, and FAQs you need to provide the required information for each including – Adding Titles, Headings, Descriptions, Images, and providing FAQs, and blog redirects.
You can also create a footer for the Marketplace by entering the content that you wish to use.