

You can find the suppliers section in the third position on the navigation panel. The app lets you get complete details about the suppliers who have applied to the marketplace.

Viewing Suppliers based on the status assigned

Based on the approval state of a supplier, the app distributes suppliers into 3 categories. You can view the supplier assigned to the respective category by clicking on the buttons assigned on the top left corner of the Supplier page.

  • Approved: The suppliers that have been approved to sell on the marketplace get assigned the Approved status.
  • Pending: Once a supplier is added to the database they get assigned a pending status. Admin can either Approve or Disapprove the supplier application to sell on the marketplace from here.
  • Disapproved: The suppliers that have been disapproved (rejected) from selling on the marketplace get assigned the Disapproved status.

How to filter and find a specific supplier?

  • Go to the Suppliers section.
  • Find the filter option available in the right corner of the page and click on it.
  • A dialogue box appears that lets you select the filter you wish to apply to find a supplier. The options available to you include:
    • ID
    • Name
    • eMail
    • Status

How to Export suppliers’ data?

You can easily export the data of all the suppliers that have been approved to list and sell on the marketplace.

  • Go to the Suppliers section and find the Export button available on top of the
  • A dialogue box appears that asks you “Are you sure that you want to export APPROVED suppliers?”
  • Click on the Yes button.
  • Now, select a location on your local disk drive to save the .CSV file.

Create a new Supplier

As an admin of the Marketplace, you can also create new suppliers from the app panel itself if need be. To create a new supplier you need to complete the following steps.

  • Go to the suppliers’ section and find the Create Supplier button.
  • Click on the Create Supplier. A new page will open.
  • Now you need to enter the required details that include Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, New Password, Confirm New Password and you agree to the terms and conditions of the marketplace.
  • Once done, click on the Create button.
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