
Purchase Order Request on the Vendor Panel

The vendor can see the Quotations placed by customers in vendor panel, Vendor can approve the quotation and reject the quotation, also the vendor can resubmit the quotation to the customer and negotiate it over the purchase order.

Login to Vendor Panel refer to below images;

A new page opens-up asking about login details, the vendor can log in it through social media as well.

After login, a dashboard opens up; Refer to below images, on this dashboard, the vendor can see all details related to total pending amount, total earned amount, total orders placed, total products sold, sales analytics and on left side vendor can manage the sections like New product, manage products, etc

Select the PO quotations from the left side panel;

Select the Quotations list and click on it, the quotes will be displayed on the new page refer below images fro clarity.

Click on the Edit option displayed on the right side, a new page opens-up which will show the details of quotations.

Now the vendor can see all the details of the quotation and also if the vendor satisfies the requirement sent by the customer, now the vendor can save this, it will be sent to the customer.

If the vendor is not satisfied with it and needs to do some negotiation on the product and price.

Negotiation section; now vendor can add product, quantity, and price as per vendor choice.

Comments: The vendor can add comments related to negotiation, which will be displayed to the customer.

Chat history; This section will show the chat history related to purchase order quotation done.

Once the quotation is submitted from the vendor side, it will go to the customer side and the customer finds it suitable for them, then they can approve the order, discussed at Customer section already, refer below for clarity on customer side;

once the customer approves it, now the vendor will get the status update on the vendor panel in quotations list, view, and edit quotation and approve the request submitted by the customer.


Once the Vendor accepted the quotations it will be changed to approved status.

and once the order is placed by the customer it will be checked in the Manage orders section on the left side of the vendor panel as well as on the Assigned Quotations.



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Last updated on August 25, 2020
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