
TMall Configuration

To configure the extension,

  1. Go to the Magento 2 Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click on the Tmall Integration.
    The menu appears as shown below:
  3. Click on Tmall Configuration.
    The Configuration Settings page appears as shown below:
  4. Click on Tmall Merchant Settings, the section is expanded as shown below:
  5. Under Tmall Merchant Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Enabled, select Yes to enable the extension configuration settings.
    • In API Mode, select the store mode, i.e, Sandbox or Live.
    • In User Name, you will get details from If you have not had an account please register it first and complete the registration process.
    • In Password, enter the password for the account.
    • The Access Token will be automatically filled after validation.

      Click on Validate Credentials button, to validate the above details. 

    • In Select Store, select the store view.
    • In Enable Logging, select Yes to capture logs for debugging purposes.
  6. Scroll down and click on Tmall Product Settings, the section is expanded as shown below:
  7. Under Tmall Product Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Root Categories for TKOF, select the suitable categories for your products.
    • In the Product Price list, select one of the following options:

      • Increase by Fixed Price: If selected, then the Modify by Fix Price field appears.
      • Increase by Fixed Percentage: If selected, then the Modify by Percentage Price field appears.
        Enter the numeric value to increase the price of the Tmall, product price by the entered value % of Magento price. 
        For Example,
        Magento 2 price + 5% of Magento 2 price.
        Magento 2 Price = 100
        Select the Increase By Fixed Percentage option
        Modify by Percentage Price = 5
        100 + 5% of 100 = 100 + 5 = 105
        Thus, Tmall Product Price = 105
      • Decrease by Fixed Price: If selected, then the Modify by Fix Price field appears.
      • Decrease by Fixed Percentage: If selected, then the Modify by Percentage Price field appears.
        Enter the numeric value to decrease the price of the Tmall
         product price by the entered value % of Magento 2 price.
        For Example,
        Magento 2 price – 5% of Magento 2 price.
        Magento 2 Price = 100
        Select the Decrease By Fixed Percentage option
        Modify by Fix Price  = 5
         100 – 5% of 100 = 100 – 5 = 95
         Thus, Tmall Product Price = 95
  8. Now scroll down and click on Tmall Order Settings, the section is expanded as shown below:
  9. Under Tmall Order Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Tmall Order Id Prefix, enter the prefix for Tmall order increment id.
    • In the Order Notification Email, enter the email id for receiving the order notifications.
    • In Ship From Info, enter the information required for the shipment of orders. The format to fill this will be:
      { “firstName”: “VoyageOne”, “lastName”: “ATTN: Demo Vendor”, “nameSuffix”: “”, “emailAddress”: “”, “daytimePhone”: “1-562-977-6408”, “eveningPhone”: “1-562-977-6408”, “companyName”: “VO”, “country”: “US”, “stateOrProvince”: “NY”, “city”: “Cerritos”, “addressLine1”: “416 Senator St Brooklyn”, “addressLine2”: “PID:10000888”, “postalCode”: “11220” }
    • In Create Real Customer, select Yes if you want to create a real customer for the order.
    • In Customer Group, select the group of the customer.
    • In Shipping Method of Tmall Orders, select the Tmall shipping method.
    • In Payment Method of Tmall Orders, select the payment method.
  10. Scroll down and click on Tmall Cron Settings, the section is expanded as shown below:
  11. Under Tmall Cron Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Order Cron, select Enable to fetch the orders automatically through crons.
    • In Order Cron Time, select the duration at which you want the order cron to run.
    •  In Inventory Cron, select Enable to update the inventory through cron.
    • In Inventory Cron Time, select the duration at which you want the inventory cron to run.
  12. Now scroll down and click on Tmall Chunk(Batch) Settings, the section is expanded as shown below:
  13. Under Tmall Chunk(Batch) Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Product Validation Chunk Size, enter the quantity for product validation.
    • In Product Upload Chunk Size, enter the chunk size for uploading products.
    • In Product Sync Chunk Size, enter the chunk size for syncing the products.


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