
Fetch Kaufland Orders

The user can fetch all the order details from Kaufland. Also, later on, can proceed further for shipment.

To fetch Kaufland Orders

  1. Go to the Magento Admin panel.
  2. Click on the Kaufland Integration menu.
  3.  Click on View Orders.
    The Kaufland Orders page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. Click the Fetch New Orders button.
  5. If the order is imported successfully, a success message appears like this:
  6. As we click on the Action menu , the drop down box opens up with three functionalities, which are mentioned below:

    1. Sync Order Status:  This section is designated for syncing of order status. There are three categories of order status :
    •  Progress :  This status means that the order has been  submitted to order management , and has accepted for fulfillment.
    •  Complete :  This status is given when the order has been processed, authorized and shipped.
    •  Cancel :  This status is given when the order has been manually voided.
    2. Order Fulfilment : Order Fulfilment status shows that the order is either is in the processing stage or awaits shipment process.
    3. Delete Order: This status is indicative of the fact that your order has been deleted




  • Orders are automatically imported through CRON every 10 minutes.
  • Whenever the latest orders are imported from Kaufland, a Notification appears in the notification area of the Admin panel for those orders and they are Auto-Acknowledged as soon as they are imported into the Magento admin panel.
  • Order is auto-rejected on Kaufland in the following conditions:
    • When Kaufland Product SKU does not exist in Magento store.
    • When Product is Out of Stock in Magento store.
    • When a product is disabled in the Magento store.
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