5.Manage Orders ↑ Back to Top
To fetch and view new orders
- Go to the Magento 2 Store Admin panel.
- On the left navigation bar, click the FBA INTEGRATION menu.
- Click Orders.
The FBA Orders page appears as shown in the following figure:
- To View the Amazon order, do the following steps:
- Scroll down to the required order row.
- In Actions column of the respective row, click the View icon.
The specific order appears as shown:
- To edit the Amazon order, do the following steps:
- Scroll down to the required order row.
- In the Actions column of the respective row, click the Edit icon.
- The order gets opened to be edited as shown below:
- You may edit the customer details by clicking on the Edit Customer button. Similarly, you may edit the Address Information under the corresponding field.
- To synchronize the FBA order, do the following steps:
- Scroll down to the required order row.
- In the Actions column of the respective row, click the Sync icon.
The specific order is synchronized and a success message appears.
- To delete the Amazon order, do the following steps:
- Scroll down to the required order row.
- In the Actions column of the respective row, click the Delete icon.
- The specific order is synchronized and a success message appears.
To perform actions in bulk,
- To Create, Sync, Cancel or delete orders in bulk you need to select the orders and then under Actions option select the desired option to perform.