7.Marketplace Transactions ↑ Back to Top
How to filter and find a specific transaction?
- Go to the Transaction section from the navigation bar.
- Now, find the filter option available in the right corner of the page and click on it.
- A dialogue box appears that lets you select the filter you wish to apply to find the required result. The options available to you for filtering orders include:
- Transaction ID
- Marketplace Fee
- Created at Date
- Service tax
Customize the rating grid for a personalized view
- Go to the Transaction section on the navigation bar.
- Find the Customize grid button available in the right corner of the page, next to the filter option.
- Select the options you wish to view on the product grid by ticking the checkboxes for respective transactions. Below you can find the different details to enable/disable from appearing on the product grid.
- Transaction ID
- Order ID
- Supplier
- Shipment Fee
- Created At
- Marketplace Fee
- Commission
- Service Tax
- Delay Fine
- Supplier Amount
- Total price
- Actions
Export Products
The app lets you download the transaction details by exporting the list in CSV and XLS format.
- Click on the Export Products button.
- A dialogue box will open.
- Click on the Export CSV button to download the .Xlsx or .csv file.
Pending transactions
The app lets you view and approve a pending transaction from the app itself. To view a transaction request detail,
- Go to the transaction section on the navigation bar.
- Select the Pending status to view the transactions that are pending.
- Once on the page, apply filters to find a specific transaction.
- Now click on the View button adjacent to each transaction to view beneficiary details and transaction details.
Approving a pending transaction,
- On the transaction section, select the pending tab for the transaction.
- Find the required transaction by applying the filter, and then use the dropdown option next to the view option available under Action.
- Now, click on Approve. A dialog box appears asking you to verify your action enquiring Are you sure that you want to approve the transaction? Click on Approve to confirm.