
Category Template

Category template means mapping Shopify product attributes with correct/matching Joom product attributes. The category templates help you map product attributes between Shopify and Joom and help you list your product error-free. 

Category Template basically helps to create a default setting that is utilized by the Integration to upload your Shopify products successfully to the Joom merchant account. This Category Template works for all your Shopify products by default. A Category template includes Joom Category Selection, product attributes mapping, product price customization, threshold inventory, etc.

To manage category template:

Firstly, go to the “category template section.” 

There are two functions that you can perform:

  • Create Template
  • Edit Template

Edit Template

You can also view, edit or delete the template from the ‘Category Template Section.’

  • Click on edit.

  • Make the changes, whatever is required, like name attribute mapping or price rule, and save to implement those changes.
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