6.1.3.Product Import settings ↑ Back to Top
Import by Filters
The import by filter settings lets you define the condition for you to import the products from the Shopify store to the app. It can be done on the following basis: Published status, Product status, Vendor & Product Type.
Once the filters have been applied, you need to click on the Import Products button.
Note: When multiple filters are applied to find products they work under the AND condition. It means, products will import only when all the conditions are fulfilled.
#1. Published Status
The option lets you import products based on their published status that you wish to use for importing products from Shopify to the App.
Available options,
- All
- Published
- Unpublished
Note: By default, all product of status – PUBLISHED gets imported from Shopify. You need to specify the status for the Shopify product that you wish to use to import products.
#2. Product Status
Select the product status for importing products from Shopify to the App you wish to import from Shopify to the App. You get to choose from three available statuses i.e., Active, Archive, and Draft.
Available options,
- Active
- Archived
- Draft
Additional Filters
#1. Product Type
The option lets you import products based on the selected product type that you wish to import from Shopify to the App.
Note: By default, all product types are imported. You need to specify the product type to import products assigned to it.
#2. Vendor
The option lets you import products based on the selected vendor that you wish to use for importing products from Shopify to the App.
Note: By default, all Vendors are imported. You need to specify the vendor you wish to use to import products assigned to it.
Refresh Product Type & Vendor
In case a Product type or Vendor is missing click on the Refresh Product type and Vendor button and the app will sync your data from Shopify to provide an updated list to choose from.
Import by Collection
Products can also be imported into the app based on the Shopify collections. You can select the checkbox next to the collections list to import the products assigned to collections in Shopify.
Use the button – Refresh Collections to import/fetch the updated collections list when you make any changes to your collections or when collections seem to be missing in the app.
Once you’ve refreshed and selected the collections, click on the Import Collection Products button to start import all products with your required list of products from the selected collections.
Import and replace the product
Enabling the option lets you refresh your current products catalog from Shopify by overriding the already existing products on the app (the existing products get removed and the products that satisfy the applied filters will get imported into the application).
Note: Once the setting gets enabled and the import is complete, make sure you disable the setting to avoid the replacement of your desired products in the future.
The functionality works best when you wish to remove all your products from the application. Once done, proceed with importing products based on your requirement through the above-applied filter.