

In this section, you’ll have the ability to configure various preferences, including inventory, product, and order settings. The connector’s automated functionalities will work seamlessly between your AliExpress seller account and PrestaShop store based on your preferences.

The configurations page is divided into four distinct sections, each serving specific purposes:

  • Product Settings: In this section, you can configure settings that pertain to how you wish to manage your products.
  • Title Optimization: This section empowers you to optimize your product titles, thus enhancing the SEO performance of your products on AliExpress.
  • Order Management: Here, you can configure settings related to the management of your orders.
  • Advance Sync
  • Account Informations: This section provides the means to view and manage the details of connected accounts.

Now, let’s delve into each of these sections to understand their functionalities in more detail.

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