7.4.ManoMano Failed Orders ↑ Back to Top
The admin can see the failed ManoMano orders from the Prestashop admin panel.
To see the failed order:
- Go to Prestashop Admin Panel
- On the left navigation bar, place the cursor on ManoMano Integration and you will see it getting expanded as below:
- Click on ManoMano Failed Orders and you’ll be navigated to the page as shown below:
- On this page, you may see the Failed Order with – ID, SKU, ManoMano Order Id, and Reason.
- On this same page, you may take the following actions:
- Export the failed orders to ManoMano.
- Refresh the list.
- You can see the SQL Query.
- You can export failed orders to SQL manager.
- You may take the above actions by clicking on the buttons shown shown the image below in the red box.