
How to Install Zalora Magento 2 Integration

To install the extension

  1. Log in to the FTP, and then go to Magento 2 root folder (generally present under the public_html folder).
  2. Create a new folder named code under the app folder; under code folder, create a folder named Ced.
  3. Now you have to extract two files:
    • Firstly, extract the vendor/cedcommerce/seller-center-sdk-php in the vendor/cedcommerce/*
    • Secondly, extract the Ced/Zalora, Ced/Integrator in the app/code/Ced/*
  4. After extracting the above package, we move on to adding the SDK mapping.
    • Go to the main composer.json file
    • Perform the following 2 actions in autoload-ps4 node:
      1. “RocketLabs\\SellerCenterSdk\\Core\\”: “vendor/cedcommerce/seller-center-sdk-php/src/RocketLabs/SellerCenterSdk/Core/”,
      2. “RocketLabs\\SellerCenterSdk\\Endpoint\\”: “vendor/cedcommerce/seller-center-sdk-php/src/RocketLabs/SellerCenterSdk/Endpoint/”
  5. Now run the  following upgrade command in cmd 
    • composer dump
    • bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • bin/magento setup:di:compile
    • bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    • bin/magento indexer:reindex
    • bin/magento c:f
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