5.Shopee Categories ↑ Back to Top
To manage the Shopee Categories details.
To View the Shopee Categories & details.
- Go to Magento Admin Panel.
- On the Shopee Integration menu, click Categories.
The Manage Categories page appears as shown in the following figure: - Now in order to sync the Shopee categories with your Magento 2 store categories, click on Sync Categories Button on the top.
A confirmation message appears:
- Now Click on the sync attributes button, which will import and synchronize all the Shopee attributes into your magento 2 store:
- The Shopee categories and Attributes start getting reflected in your Magento panel. Synchronization is established:
- If you wish to remove the previous categories or make amends, Click on the Truncate Button the top right corner:
All the previous categories will get removed.