7.Add Product Inventory ↑ Back to Top
The POS solution has the feature of the Inventory Management that provides the Store Agents with the ease to manage inventory efficiently. Managing a physical store outlet efficiently becomes a difficult and slow task when a store agent has to enter every detail manually. So with this feature in the POS Solution, we have a direct solution towards inventory management of the product that is listed in the system.
Here the points that can be seen as for inventory management feature are
- Direct Inventory Management via POS Sales Agent
- Low Stock label in the product, whose inventory is running out below the threshold limit.
- Out of Stock label one the product whose inventory react the quantity = 0
When the sales agent want to update the stock of any of the product he needs to navigate to the top left section (side Panel) and then click on Add Inventory.
There store agent need to enter the product SKU or EAN number to add the new stock value.
After updating the product quantity click on Update, the new inventory level is updated in the system and the product is ready to be added on the cart and checkout.