
Add New Profile

To Add a New Profile,

  1. Go to the Magento 2 Store Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the OnBuy Integration menu.
    A menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click on Profile Manager.
    The Manage Profile page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. Click the Add New Profile
    The Add New Profile page appears as shown in the following figure:
    *Note: If you have selected the Primary Account in Configuration settings then this tab displayed above won’t be shown and you will be directly redirected to New Profile Page.*
  5. Select the account and click on the Edit option under the Actions column.
    The New Profile page appears as:
  6. In the left panel, under Profile Info., do the following steps:
    • In the Profile Code box, enter the Profile Code.
      Note: Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) or underscore (_) in this field, and the first character should be a letter.
    • In the Profile Name box, enter the name of the profile,
    • In the Profile Status box, select the Enable option to enable the profile status. If the profile status is Disabled then the products won’t be displayed and no action will be performed on them.
  7. Then Click on Category & Attribute.
    The Category&Attribute page appears as shown in the following figure:

    • Under the Category & Attribute section, do the following steps:
      • First, you need to search the category in Search Category.
      • Then in the Select Category option, the categories related to the search category are displayed in the dropdown menu.
    • Under OnBuy-Magento Category Dependent Attributes Mapping, map the selected category attributes to the Magento attributes.
      • There is Add Attribute option that will let you add a few more attributes so you can pass on the additional information as:
        Colour, Size, Length, etc. as further optional attributes for your set of products as assigned in the profile.
    • Under OnBuy-Magento Required Attributes Mapping, map your Magento catalog attribute to OnBuy Attribute.
      • There is Add Attribute option that will let you add a few more attributes so you can pass on the additional information as:
        Handling Time, Shipping Weight, MPN, Free Return, Return Time, Warranty, Delivery Template ID, RRP, Summary Points, Sale Price with Start & End Date, Boost Commission.
  8. Now move to the next option, click on Profile Products.
    The Profile Products section appears as shown in the following figure:
  9. Clicking on Reset Filter all the products will be displayed.
  10. Select the products accordingly and assign them to the profile. Then click on the Save button to save the following information.
  11. Once products have been assigned to a Profile, these will then be shown in the OnBuy Product Manager section.
    *Note: If the same account has two profiles then the product will be assigned to only one profile.*
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