4.1.Add a New Account ↑ Back to Top
To Create A New Account,
- Go the Magento 2 admin panel.
- On the left navigation bar, click on the MLibre Multi-Account Integration menu.
The appears as shown below:
- Click on Manage Accounts.
The Manage Accounts page appear as shown in the following figure:
- To add a new account, click on the Add Account button on the top right corner.
You will be redirected to a new page:
- Under Account Information, do the following steps:
- In Account Code, enter the code for your account.
- In App Id, enter the application id from seller panel.
- In Secret Key, enter the secret key from Seller panel.
- In Site, select the option from the dropdown menu.
- In Currency, select the currency for the account.
- In Account Status, select Enable for enabling the status of your account.
- In Account Store, select the store view.
- Click on Save button.
New Account will be created and shown on the Manage Account grid.