4.Manage Accounts ↑ Back to Top
To manage accounts,
- Go to Magento 2 admin panel.
- On the left navigation bar, click on MLibre CBT.
The menu appears as shown below:
- Click on Manage Accounts.
The Accounts page appears as shown below:
- Click on Add Account button to create a new account.
The Add Account Page appears as shown below:
- Under the Account Information section do the following steps:
- In Account Code, enter the unique account code.
- In Account Environment, select the account environment from the list.
- In Account status, select the status of the account by enabling or disabling it.
- In Account Store, store view option of the account.
- Now to get the Client id and Client Secret Key, click on the Url: https://developers.mercadolibre.com.ar/devcenter/
And create a new Application:
Once the application is created, goto the created application and the page appears as:
- Now copy the Client Id and Secret Key from here paste it in the Magento panel.
- The User Id, Refresh Token, and Access Token will be automatically fetched once the token is fetched.
- Click on Save button.
The account will be created.
Edit an Account,
- On the Manage Accounts page, click on the Edit button in the Actions column.
- Clicking on the Edit button you will be redirected to the Account Management page.
- Do the required edits in the Account and click on Save button.
The changes will be saved.
To Fetch and Refresh Token
- On the Manage Accounts page, click on the Refresh Token button in the Actions column.
- Click on the Fetch Token button and you will be redirected to the seller panel and all the details will be fetched.
- Once the tokens are fetched you will see the option of Refreshing Token and Fetching categories.
To Fetch Categories,
- On the Manage Accounts page, click on the Fetch Categories button in the Actions column.
- The categories for the selected account will be fetched.
To Delete Account(s),
- Go to the Actions option on the left side of the Manage Account Page.
- Select the accounts you want to delete, and then click on the Delete button in the Actions menu.
The selected account(s) will be deleted.