- Overview
- Google Shopping Actions Integration Extension - Installation
- Retrieve API Credentials from Google Shopping Actions
- Configure your Merchant Account
- Configuration Setting
- Manage Google Shopping Actions Accounts
- Manage Google Shopping Actions Profiles
- Upload Products on Google Shopping Actions
- Fetch Google Shopping Actions Orders
- Google Shopping Actions Cron Logs
- Google Shopping Actions Activity Logs
- Product Feeds
- Help & Support

12.Product Feeds ↑ Back to Top
To view Product Feeds,
- Go to the Magento Admin panel.
- On the top navigation bar, click the Google Shopping Integration menu.
The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
- Click on Product Feeds.
The Product Feeds page appears as shown below:
- The product feeds will be displayed here.
- To delete the feeds click on the Truncate button.
- To delete the feeds in bulk, click on Delete Feed under the Actions list.
The selected product feeds will be deleted.