
Generate Product AI Content

To Generate Product AI Content,

  1. Go to ChatGPT Magento 2 admin panel
  2. On the left navigation bar, click on Catalog
    The menu appears as shown below:Catalog-Magento-ChatGPT-Content-Generator
  3. Click on Products.
    The Products page appears as shown below:ChatGPT-product-content-generator-for-magento
  4. Select the product(s) for which you want to generate AI content click on Actions on the top left side of page and the options will appear as:CED AI Content Generator Action menu
  5. Click on Ced AI Content Generator to start automatic content generation process for the selected product(s).
  6. Once the AI content generation process is complete, you will get the below message:Successful-ai-content-generator-ced-for-magentoTo view the Product Content Generated by AI, follow these steps.
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