
Amazon Product Importer Configuration Settings

After retrieving the Amazon Seller Account Identifiers and credentials, the store owner can use them while setting up the configurations through the Magento 2 store Admin panel.

To set up the Amazon Product Importer Configuration settings,

  • Go to Magento 2 Admin panel.
  • On the left navigation bar, click the Amazon PRODUCT IMPORTER menu.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  • Click Amazon Configuration.
    The Configuration page appears as shown in the following figure:
  • Under Amazon MWS Settings, do the steps as below:
    1. In the MWS Service URL box, enter the link.
    2. In the MWS Seller ID box, paste the value of the Merchant ID copied from the Amazon Seller Central.
    3. In the MWS Marketplace ID box, paste the value of the MarketPlace ID copied from the Amazon Seller Central.
    4. In the MWS Access Key ID box, paste the value of the MWS Access Key ID copied from the Amazon Seller Central.
    5. In the MWS Auth ID box, paste the value of the MWS Auth ID copied from the Amazon Seller Central.
    6. In the MWS Secret ID box, paste the value of the Secret Key copied from the Amazon Seller Central.
    7. In the Select Store list, select the required location.

  • In the Amazon AWS Settings, do the following steps:
    1. In the AWS Api Key, enter the key that you may get from the Amazon Seller Center.
    2. In the AWS Tag Key, enter the key that you may get from the Amazon Seller Center.
    3. In the AWS Secret Key, enter the key that you may get from the Amazon Seller Center.
    4. In the Endpoit URL, enter
    5. In Upload CSV File, browse and upload the file.

  • Click the Save Config button.
    The Amazon Product Importer configuration settings are saved.
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