3.Configuration Setting ↑ Back to Top
Advance Rate Shipping Method
Note: Before Doing Any type of configuration set Store View as “Main Website”
Here admin can set the Name for the shipping method which will be displayed at the frontend and admin panel, when assigning the Tacking details for order.
- Weight and Destination
If this condition is set by admin, then shipping price will be shown if particular combination of weight and destination field is available in .csv file. -
Order Subtotal and DestinationIf this condition is set by admin, then shipping price will be shown if particular combination of order subtotal and destination field is available in .csv file.
- Quantity and Destination
If this condition is set by admin, then shipping price will be shown if particular combination of quantity and destination field is available in .csv file.
Export Rates
This provide you the .csv file with the required format so that admin can insert the required detail in that. The file can be exported by clicking on the <<Export CSV>> button.
Here Admin can export .csv file of advance shipping rates. File will have fields Country, Region/State, City, Zip/Postal Code, Weight From, Weight To, Order Subtotal From, Order Subtotal To, Quantity From, Quantity To, Shipping Price, Shipping Method.
Generally, there will be no shipping cost for virtual products. But admin can allow shipping cost for virtual products, if this setting is set to ‘Yes’
Import Rates
The .csv that was exported via export button and after mentioning the complete detail required in the .csv file, admin can import that, so now the shipping price will work according to that detail imported based on the above value set on field
Allow Free Shipping
Displayed Error Message
This field allow you to set the error message, which get displayed at frontend when a shipping condition selected by customer doesn’t match with any of the shipping condition price by admin in .csv file imported.