
Filters On Taobao

Taobao Filters:

  1. Go to the WooCommerce Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the Taobao menu.
    WooCommerce Taobao Importer
  3. In the left panel, click the Filters tab.
    WooCommerce Taobao Importer
  4. After clicking, the page appears as shown in the following figure:
    WooCommerec Taobao Importer
  5. Here, you will see some lists-
    1. Name- where you are able to see the name of the products.
    2. Category-where you can see the categories under which your product falls.
    3. Keywords- shows the keyword that you have added during the filter.
    4. Actions-under this you are allowed to view your products.
    5. Auto Import-select the range of the product that you want to import click on start import to import your products.
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