
Aliexpress Product Management

You can view all the trending products on AliExpress in the particular category from the dropdown box of AliExpress categories and then click the filter, as shown below:

aliexpress categories

You can do the following, once the products from AliExpress are displayed

          • View on Aliexpress
          • Import a product instantly
          • Bulk Import Products

a) View on AliExpress

The product list appears, as shown in the below screenshot:


After the products are displayed you can view the product on AliExpress as Shown below:

view on aliexpress

b) Import product

If you want to import a particular product immediately click on Import products, as shown below:

import product

After importing the product to your WooCommerce store, success notice of product imported can be seen, as shown in the screenshot:

product imported successfully

c) Bulk operation

Select the checkboxes associated with the required products

Click the dropdown next to the Bulk operation field, select the Bulk operation, and then click on the Apply button as shown in the screenshot:

bulk upload

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