
How to start a seller’s account on Wayfair?

To sell on Wayfair, you must have a seller account in Wayfair marketplace place. Follow these steps to open a seller account:

  1. Using your web browser, search the URL, Wayfair Seller account
  2. Click on the “Apply here” tab under the “Want to sell on Wayfair?” section at the end of the landing page.
  3. You will be redirected to a page where you must fill in specific details. These details include:

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  • Contact Information: These include your personal and identity information.
  • Business Information: Details like your business name and Location are listed here.
  • Logistical Information: This section deals with mostly how your business operates where your products are sold.

    4. Once all the details are filled in, click on the “Apply Now” tab.

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