
OnBuy Timeline

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce

The Timeline log stores the information related to the following:

Inventory Activity:

  1. Title: Reflects the name of the product for which the inventory update is processed.  
  2. Operation: Operation under the inventory activity will be stated under the ‘Update’.
  3. Time: Exact date, day & time the inventory update was processed. 
  4. Type: The type of activity falls under two sub-division- manually and automatic. 
  5. Response: The final status is stored under the response column with either success or failure.

Product Activity:

  1. Title: Reflects the name of the product which is processed. 
  2. Operation: The product section can have the upload/update/remove activities that will be mentioned in the column.
  3. Time: Exact date, day & time the product sync was processed.
  4. Response: The final status is stored under the response column with either success or failure.

Order Activity:

  1. Title: OnBuy Order number is mentioned in this column. 
  2. Operation: Operation under the orders will be stated under the ‘fetch’.
  3. Time: The respective date, day & time will be displayed when the order fetch was executed.
  4. Response: The final response of the orders will be stored under the response.

WP-Cron Executions:

Displays the cron information which is present in the plugin. It shows the last executed time and next execution time for the cron events:

  1. Auto updated inventory.
  2. Auto fetches order.
  3. Sync existing products.
  4. Auto upload products.
  5. Auto queue scheduler
  6. Auto check winning price
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