
Viewing The Profile On Lazada Dokan

To view the Profile On Lazada Dokan:

  • Go to the Vendor dashboard.
  • Click on Lazada as shown in the image below:
    Lazada Integration With Dokan Compatibility For WooCommerce
  • On clicking Lazada, it will redirect you to a page where you have to click on Lazada Profiles, as shown in the image below:
    Lazada Integration With Dokan Compatvbility For WooCommerce
  • Here, you just need to hit the VIEW tab, placed after the product id, which will redirect you to a page as shown in the image below:
    Lazada Intgeration With Dokan Compatbility For WooCommerce
  • Here you have to fill all the details in the fields, according to your products and the fields which are having written Required over there are the mandatory fields which are compulsory for the admins to fill them.
  • Once you had performed the above step, click on the Save Profile to save the action done by you in the profile section.
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