4.2.Supplier Ratings ↑ Back to Top
The given section has been added to the app to manage the ratings received by the suppliers and display them in their respective seller profiles.
Viewing Supplier Ratings based on the status assigned
Based on the approval state of the ratings achieved by a supplier, the app distributes suppliers’ ratings status into 3 categories. You can view the assigned status to the respective category by clicking on the buttons assigned on the top left corner of the Supplier page.
- Approved: The customer ratings received for sellers that have been approved by the admin come under the Approved supplier rating status.
- Pending: The customer ratings when shared by a customer for their respective seller get assigned the Pending status by default. Admin needs to either approve/disapprove the seller rating received.
- Disapproved: The customer rating received for a seller that has been disapproved by the admin gets assigned the given status. It is usually assigned to the ratings that are malicious or fake.
Filter and find a specific supplier
- Go to the rating subsection available under the Suppliers section on the navigation bar.
- Find the filter option available in the right corner of the page and click on it.
- A dialogue box appears that lets you select the filter you wish to apply to find the required result. The options available to you include:
- ID
- Order ID
- Title
- Description
- Customer Email
- Created At
Customize the rating grid for a personalized view
- Go to the rating subsection available under the Suppliers section on the navigation bar.
- Find the Customize grid button available in the right corner of the page, next to the filter option.
- Select the options you wish to view on the product grid by ticking the checkboxes for respective attributes. Below you can find the different details to enable/disable from appearing on the product grid.
- ID
- Supplier
- Order Id
- Title
- Description
- Stars
- Customer Email
- Created At
- Actions