

Products Section

In the product section, you will have 4 sections: All products, Feed Products, Import New Products, and Not Profiled Products.

  1. All products: Contains the status of all the products imported on an app like Active, Inactive, Processing, Not uploaded, etc.
    • Active products: It means products listed on the Catch marketplace.
    • Inactive products: Products that are not active in the marketplace.
    • Processing items: Catch marketplace review the products.
    • Not uploaded products: Those products which are either not uploaded or containing some error. Note: In the product, the grid seller can see the title, profile, status, inventory product type, etc of any particular product and actions in which you can view or edit your product.
  2. Feed Process: When you upload a product, you can track the logs of your particular product.
    • Import id is a unique id for every product, it is basically an identification of your product.
    • Import status will show you the current status of your product whether its pending or failed.
    • Created at: this will show you the date the order was created.
    • Import type: this will show whether its a product (only includes pricing and inventory) or and Offer( includes SKU, description, price, etc)
    • Line status will show you the errors that are present during the product upload.
    • Action will allow you to download the transformation error report.
  3. Import new Products: In this section, you can import your product by 3 methods:
    • All products import: Import all your Shopify products to the app.
    • Published product import: Import all the published products of your Shopify store.
    • Apply filter for: you can upload your product by applying the filter for product type, product vendor, smart collection, Collection.
  4. Not Profiled products:
    Products for which profile not assigned. To list the items in the product grid it is necessary to create a profile or assign any existing profile.
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