
Best Buy Canada Integration App Flow

  • Firstly apply for the seller account on “Best Buy Canada.” After getting approval from Best Buy, you need to log in to the integration app.
  • Provide the API key to log in to the app.

How Does The Product Flow Work?

Best Buy Integration

  1. Import products from the Shopify store to the app.
  2. Create Inventory, price, and category template/s (if needed).
  3. Create profiling, and assign the created templates here.
  4. Upload products from the app to Best Buy CA.
  5. After 30 minutes, update price and inventory (this is an automatic process, but if this is not performed automatically, it can be done manually).
  6. Products go in the “Item processing” state.
  7. Item feed gets generated; it takes a maximum of 60 min to complete the process.
  8. After 1-hour, “Sync products from Best Buy.”
  9. Accordingly, products will show “Active/Inactive” status.

How Does The Order Flow Work?

Following are the steps to manage orders through the app:

Best Buy Integration

  1. The order is received on the “Best Buy Marketplace.”
  2. Order is fetched on the “Best Buy Integration” app.
  3. Order will be synced/created in the Shopify store.
  4. Now you can fulfill your orders from Shopify.
  5. Update tracking details and tracking information on the Shopify store.
  6. Orders automatically get updated in the “Best Buy Canada Integration” app once the tracking details are updated on Shopify.
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