
Zalando Configuration Settings

To set up the configuration settings in the Prestashop Admin panel

  • Go to the Prestashop Admin panel.
  • In the left navigation panel, place cursor on the Zalando Integration menu.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  • Click on Configuration.
  • Go to Settings
    The tab appears as shown in the figure:
  • In the Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Enable, select ‘Yes‘ to enable the module.
    • In Debug Mode, select ‘yes‘ to enable the debug mode.
    • In-Store Langauge, choose the store language which you want to use for the module.
    • In-Store Currency, choose your store currency.
    • In Sales Channel ID, you can get these details from Zalando.
  • Now Go to API settings,
    The tab appears as shown in the figure:
  • In the API settings, do the following steps:
    • In API mode, you can choose Sandbox or Live mode.
    • These Client ID and Client Secret you can get from the Zalando seller panel.
    • After that Click on ‘Get Token’ to generate token and click on ‘Get Merchant’ to generate merchant token.
  • Now move to Product Settings,
    The tab appears as shown in the figure:
  • In the Product Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Price Variation, you can modify your price by Percentage or Fixed Amount.
    • In Upload Disabled Product, you can upload disabled products you can choose ‘Upload’ otherwise ‘Skip’
    • In Update Stock/Price on Edit, you can click on ‘Yes’ to enable the cron.
    • In Update Product on Edit, you can update the product on Zalando on edit at the store.
  • Now move to Order Settings, 
    The tab appears as shown in the figure:
  • In the Orders settings, do the following steps:
    • In the Customer ID, Default Customer ID to create orders on stores that are imported from Zalando.
    • In the Order Email, you can enter the default email from which you want to create orders.
    • In the
    • In the
    • In the ayment method used to import the order from Zalando.
    • In the Order carrier, choose your carrier order Carrier while importing orders.
    • In the Auto Reject order, click on ‘yes’ to auto-reject orders.
  • Now move to last Cron Settings,
    The tab as shown in the figure:
  • Here you can see all cron URLs. You can copy the URLs and set them up on your servers for automatic update inventory, prices, orders, logs wipeout.
  • After that click on the ‘Save’ button to save the configuration.
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