
Install the PrestaShop AliExpress connector module

Before you begin using the connector module, you’ll need to download and install it onto your PrestaShop store. Here’s a step-by-step guide for module installation in your PrestaShop store:

  1. Access PrestaShop Admin Panel: Log in to your PrestaShop Admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Module Manager: On the left-hand navigation bar, go to “Modules” and select “Module Manager.”
  3. Upload the Module: Click the “Upload a module” button.
  4. Choose the Package File: In the Module File tab, browse and select the package file for the PrestaShop AliExpress connector module from your device.
  5. Module Installation: Once the module is uploaded, its installation gets started automatically.
  6. Completion: Once the module installation is completed, click on the “Configure” button, and you’ll be directed to the configuration page to continue with the setup process.
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