7.Manage OnBuy Orders ↑ Back to Top
To manage OnBuy Orders
- Go to the Prestashop admin panel.
- In the left navigation panel, place cursor on OnBuy Module menu.
The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
- Once you click on this submenu, you will be redirected to the page containing the orders as shown in the figure:
- In the OnBuy Orders, do the following steps:
- In the Store ID box, you can see your Prestashop store ID.
- In the OnBuy ID, you can see your OnBuy account ID.
- In the Delivery, you can see the name of the shipment method.
- In the Customer, you can see the name of the customer.
- In the Total, you can see the Average Order amount.
- In the PS Status, you can see the status of the order at Prestashop (as set in the product profile).
- In the Order Status, you can see the status of the order at OnBuy.
- In the Date, you can see the date when the orders were received.
- By clicking on the Fetch Order button, you can fetch the orders instantly.