Home » OpenCart » Shopee OpenCart Integration Guide OverviewConfiguration SettingsShopee CategoriesProfile ManagementAdding a New ProfileEditing a ProfileDeleting a ProfileProduct ManagementShopee Order(s)Shopee DiscountOrder ReturnLogisticsShopee logs 4.Profile Management ↑ Back to TopThe admin can take the following actions concerned with a profile, while doing the Shopee OpenCart Integration. Addition of a new profile. Editing of an existing profile. Deletion of a profile. Was this helpful? Yes No Suggest edit « Shopee CategoriesAdding a New Profile » Suggest Edit Captcha : Submit Mautic Opencart IntegrationSunsky Product Importer for Opencart – User Guide1688 Product Importer for Opencart – User Guide × Post navigation Etsy Opencart Integration GuideFruugo OpenCart Integration-User Guide