2.Configuration Settings ↑ Back to Top
Once the module has been installed, the first necessary step that needs to be taken by the admin is to complete the Configuration.
To do the Configuration,
- Go to your OpenCart admin panel
- From the menu that appears as shown in the image below, click on Configuration
- On clicking Configuration, you will be navigated to the OnBuy Configuration page as shown below:
- Go to General Settings.
The tab appears as shown in the figure:
- In Status, select Enabled to enable the module.
- In Enable OnBuy Log, select Enabled to enable the OnBuy logs if any exception or any error occurs due to our module you can check.
- In the Store Language, select your language which you want to choose in our module.
- Go to Api Settings.
The tab appears as shown below:
- In the API settings, do the following steps:
- In Api URL, this option is already filled you don’t need to do anything.
- In the API Mode, you can choose your Account mode.
- For Consumer Key, Secret Key, Site Id, Seller Id, Entity Id information you need to follow below steps:
- Go to https://seller.onbuy.com
- Login to your OnBuy Seller Account.
- After that Go to Listings&Products and click on Imports&Integrations button.
The page appears as shown in the figure:
- Click on Imports & Integration under Listings & Products.
The page appears as:
- Now to Enable Opencart Integration, under Available Integrations click on Opencart Integration.
- After clicking on Opencart Integration, you will be redirected to the page, where you need to click on Enable Integration button for enabling the extension.
- Once the extension is enabled it will be shown in the list of Enabled Extensions.
- Then under enabled extension click on Opencart integration.
- You’ll be redirected to a new page as shown below:
The page appears as shown in the figure:
- From here, you can copy your details and paste it in your OnBuy Configuration settings.
- After filling, your first click on Save Button.
- Once you get saved, then click on the Get Access Token button.
- Your Access Token gets filled automatically.
- Now Click on the Product Settings from the top to perform settings for your products as shown:
- In Product Price, you may select the price that you want for your products on the OnBuy marketplace. The options for sending different prices are shown in the image below:
- Increase By Fixed Amount- You may select this option if you want your product price to be increased on OnBuy as compared to your OpenCart store. If you select this option, a box appears. Now in Modify By Fix Price, you may enter an amount by which you want your product price to be increased on OnBuy as compared to your OpenCart store. Suppose if you enter 50 in this field and your product is for 100 on your OpenCart store, then the amount that your product will be available for on OnBuy would be 150 (as the amount entered is 50 for Increase by fixed price, so the price entered would be added to the price for which product is available on OpenCart).
- Decrease By Fixed Amount- You may use this option if you want the price of your OpenCart product to be decreased on OnBuy. By choosing this option, you may enter in the Modify By Fix Price box the amount by which you want your product price to be decreased on OnBuy as compared to your OpenCart store. Suppose if you enter 50 in this field and your product is for 100 on your OpenCart store, then the amount that your product will be available for on OnBuy would be 50 (as the amount entered is 50 for Decrease by fixed price, so the price entered would be subtracted from the price for which product is available on OpenCart).
- Increase By Fix Percent- You may use this option if you want the price of your OpenCart product to be increased on OnBuy by a certain percent. By choosing this option, you may enter in the Modify By Percentage box the percentage amount by which you want your product price to be increased on OnBuy as compared to your OpenCart store. Suppose if you enter 20 in this field and your product is for 100 on your OpenCart store, then the amount that your product will be available for on OnBuy would be 120 (as 20% of 100 is 20 which gets added to 100).
- Decrease By Fix Percent- You may use this option if you want the price of your OpenCart product to be decreased on OnBuy by a certain percent. By choosing this option, you may enter in the Modify By Percentage box the percentage amount by which you want your product price to be decreased on OnBuy as compared to your OpenCart store. Suppose if you enter 20 in this field and your product is for 100 on your OpenCart store, then the amount that your product will be available for on OnBuy would be 80 (as 20% of 100 is 20 which gets subtracted from 100).
- In Price Type, enter whether you want to Apply Normal Price with VAT or without VAT.
- In the Auto Update Product, you can enable or disable the crons that regularly update the product and the pertaining information.
- In Product Price, you may select the price that you want for your products on the OnBuy marketplace. The options for sending different prices are shown in the image below:
- Now move to the Order Settings by clicking on the option from the top menu and the page opens up as:
- In Order Notification Email, enter the desired email id on which you wish to receive the email notifications.
- In the Default Customer EMail, enter the email id to create orders in it which are imported from OnBuy.
- In Customer ID, enter the ID for customers to be created, for orders which are imported from OnBuy.
- In Order Status, select the status for orders when they are being imported from OnBuy to OpenCart.
- In Order Accepted, select the status for orders when they have been accepted by you.
- In Order Rejected, select the status for orders when they have been rejected.
- In Order Shipped, select the status for the orders when they have been shipped you.
- In Order Carrier, select the order carrier set for orders which have been imported from OnBuy.
- In the Payment Method, select the payment method you want while importing the OnBuy orders.
- Now move to the last part of the Configuration Setting that is the Cron Settings. The section expands as:
- Here all the crons and their frequency are given.
- Once all the necessary details have been filled or selected, click on the Save button on the top right side of the page, as shown below:
- The configuration will be saved and a success message.