
Account Settings

To manage accounts on Wayfair,

  1. Go to the Magento 2 Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the Wayfair Integration menu.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click on Accounts.
    The Manage Accounts page appears as shown below:
  4. To add a new account, click on Add Account button on the top right corner.
    You’ll be redirected on a new accounts page:

    • Enter the Account Code in the first section.
    • You can choose the current status of the account under the section Account Status.
    • In the Account Store section choose the view of the store
  5. Now click on Wayfair Account Information, and the section appears as:
  6. Under Wayfair Account Information, do the following steps:
    • In Client Id, enter the client id from the seller panel of Wayfair.
    • In Client Secret, enter the secret key from the seller panel.
    • In Supplier id, enter the id of the supplier from the seller panel.
    • In Dray Run, select Enable if you want your account to run in test mode.
    • In Token, the token will be automatically fetched once the account is created.
  7. Click on the Save button.
    The new account will be created.
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