
Select the Required Store During Checkout

To select the required store during checkout

  1. Go to the product page.
  2. Move cursor over the required product.
    The Add to Cart button appears and the product display appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click the Add to Cart button.
    The selected product is added to the cart.
  4. Click the Cart CartIcon icon.
    The GO TO CHECKOUT dialog box appears as shown in the following figure:
  5. Click the Go to Checkout button.
    The page appears as shown in the following figure:
    ShippingAddress&ShippingMethodBased on the selected Shipping Address, the associated shipping Methods appear under the Shipping Methods section.
    Note: Only if the Country in the selected address is associated with the Store Pickup shipping method, the Method Name given by the vendor appears along with the Vendor name under the Shipping Methods section.
  6. Click to select the provided vendor store pickup method name.
    The section appears as shown in the following figure:
  7. In the Select Stores list, select the required store.
    Click the Click here to view link.
    The Google map appears.
    Click the required store location and then click the OK button.
    The selected store appears in the Select Stores list and the store details appear below as shown in the following figure:
  8. In the Select Date box, click to select the suitable date.
    A calendar appears, select the required date. If the store is opened on the selected date then the date appears in the Select Date box.
    The Store Opening time, Closing time, and the Interval appears.
  9. Click the Next button, and then click the Place Order button.
    The order is placed.
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