2.Admin Panel Functionalities ↑ Back to Top
Enable Vendor Select and Sell system
Admin can enable the addon on his marketplace by navigating to Admin panel to CED Marketplace > Vendor Configuration > General > Enable Vendor Select and Sell System > Yes
Vendor Select and Sell configurations
Once enabled, these settings will be visible in the Vendor Select and Sell dropdown tab.
Show Minimum Starting Price on Product Page: If set to “Yes”, then the minimum price offered by any vendor or Admin will be visible on the main price section on the product page. If set to “No”, then the product price of the parent product belonging to Admin/vendor (whosoever has created the product originally) will be visible.
Product Admin Approval required: If set to “Yes”, then select and sell products will be required approval from Admin as well before showing on the front end. If set to “No”, then select and sell products will be visible on the front end directly.
Note: Following tabs availability in M2.4.3 & above only:
Products visible individually: If set to “Yes”, then select and sell products will be visible on the search page, category page & each vendor shop as well.
Disable child products if parent product is disabled: A configurable product consists of one Parent configurable product and its different child products as simple products. If this setting is set to “Yes”, then if a parent configurable product is disabled then its child simple products will get disabled as well.
If set to “No”, then the child simple products will not get disabled.
Allow Configurable Child Product Select and Sell: Following the above case, if child simple products of a parent configurable product are not disabled, If this setting is set to “Yes”, then child simple products will be available for select and sell. If set to “No”, then the child simple products will not be available for select and sell.