
Taobao Products

To see the products which have been imported from Taobao to Magento or to edit them, you need to go to Taobao Product section. For that,

  • Go to the Magento admin panel.
  • Click on Taobao Product Importer from left navigation bar.
  • When the menu appears, click Product.

Taobao Product

  • On clicking it, you will be navigated to the page which appears as shown below, with all the imported products.

  • To view the product, click on view sign under Actions in the last column, adjacent to the product that you want to view.

  • On clicking it, you will be able to see the product detail as:

  • To edit the product, click on edit sign under Actions in the last column, adjacent to the product that you want to edit.

  • On clicking it, you will be navigated to a page where you will be able to edit the product:

  • This way, you may edit the product easily.



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