
Customer Referrals Report

Admin can view the report that mentions all the users’ referral count, their pending amounts, and the corresponding email ids.

To view the customers’ referrals report

  1. Go to the Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the REFER A FRIEND menu.
  3. Click Referral Report.
    The Referral Report page appears as shown in the following figure:

    The admin can view all the user details consisting of the following information:

    • Customer’s Email: Email id of the front-user who refers a friend to get registered to the Magento Store.
    • Balance Referral Amount: The balance amount that belongs to the user after generating the coupons from the total amount allotted.
    • Pending Invitations: The number of friends the user had referred to and they still not acknowledged it.
    • Referrals Acknowledged: The number of friends the user had referred has been acknowledged.
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