
Configuration Settings

To set up the configuration settings

  1. Go to the Magento 2 Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the Claro Shop Integration menu.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click on Configuration.
    The Configuration page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. In the Enabled, select Yes to configure the settings.
  5. In the App Id, enter the application id from the Claro Shop seller panel.
  6. In End Point Url, select the API url.
  7. In Public Key, enter the key from the Claro Shop seller panel.
  8. In Private Key, enter the private key from the seller panel.
  9. In the Select Store, select the store view.
  10. Click on Save Config button.
    The configuration settings will be saved.
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