
Search and Import Products through Keywords

To import the products based on keywords, the admin can follow any of the following tasks:

  • Search the products based on the defined criteria and then import the selected products
  • Import all the products based on the defined criteria

To import the products based on keywords

  1. Go to the Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the AMAZON AFFILIATE menu.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click Search / Import Products(s).
    The Amazon Affiliate Product List page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. Click the Search / Import via Keyword tab. It is expanded as shown below:
  5. Under Search / Import via Keyword do the following steps:
    1. In the Enter Keyword box, enter the keyword.
      For example: Xbox 360
    2. In the Category list, select the required category of the product.
    3. In the Item Page box, enter the page number between 1 to 5 to pull data from Amazon.
    4. In the Brand box, enter the brand name associated with the item.
      For example: Samsung
    5. Click the Search button.
      The search result appears as shown in the following figure:
    6. Select the checkboxes associated with the required searched product.
    7. In the Actions list, select Import Selected.
      The Submit button appears next to the Actions list.
      Submit button
    8. Click the Submit button.
      The selected products are imported from Amazon to the Magento store and a success message appears.
  6. To import all the products based on the defined criteria, click the Import tab.
    The tab is expanded and the fields appear as shown in the following figure:

    1. In the Enter Keyword box, enter the keyword.
      For example: Xbox 360
    2. In the Category list, select the required category of the product.
    3. In the From and the To boxes next to the Item Page field, enter the page number from 1 to 5 to pull data from Amazon.
    4. In the Brand box, enter the brand name associated with the item.
      For example: Samsung
    5. Click the Import button.
      Based on the defined criteria, the products are imported, and the page appears as shown in the following figure:



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