3.Installation Process ↑ Back to Top
Any Magento 2 module requires a particular directory structure under /app/code. The
structure starts with: < PackageName>/. The reference module requires the following
structure: Ced/ModuleName. To add the module to your Magento 2 directory:
Step 1: Extract the zip namespace_modulename-version.zip.
Step 2: Then Copy Folder “Ced” to your Magento 2 server’s /app/code/.
Step 3: Open the terminal (cmd) and follow the below steps:
– cd up to Magento 2 root directory then run below command
– php bin/magento setup:upgrade (if your php is not accessible globally then replace php with a complete path of php)
Step 4: Now Go to Backend of your store, and firstly clear cache, then go to “Stores >
Configuration”, then in the left tabs open “CedCommerce > Module Menu”. Set “yes”
in “Enable Module” field.
Step 5: Now you will be able to see the Module Features on your Frontend at the bottom of the page.
Admin can define different shipping cost for different destination addresses. If this shipping method is enabled then shipping rates will be calculated destination wise as specified by admin in CSV file.