
Walmart Reports

For each product you sell on Walmart, Walmart generates a report that tells you about your product details like Product name, category, price, currency, lifecycle status, published status, etc.

To generate Walmart Report, follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to the Walmart Integration App.
  2. Click the Product menu.
  3. Click Manage Products, and then click Walmart Reports, the following page opens up:Walmart Reports
  4. On the top right corner of the page, click the Generate Report button, and then click Generate Item Report, as shown in the following image:Walmart Reports
  5. A page opens up as shown above. Now click three dots under the Action column, and click Download(as shown below). A report gets downloaded in CSV format that contains all the details of your product like Product name, category, price, currency, lifecycle status, published status, etc.Walmart reports


  • After you request the report, it takes 15 to 45 minutes to generate, then it is available for download.
  • Reports that you generate are retained for 30 days only.
  • You can request one report for each report type per hour. Although you can request multiple report types at the same time, you can make a request for each report type only once per hour.




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