
TikTok Shop Settings

Go to the“Configuration” section. 

Under the TikTok Shop setting, you can review and modify the app syncing settings.

There are several fields that you can sync between the connector and your TikTok Shop. These fields include ‘product information’, ‘price’, and ‘inventory’. 

You can click on either or all of the fields. 

The selected fields will be automatically updated on the TikTok Shop once updated on the app. 

Additionally,  prices and inventory sync in real time between the apps, if the setting is enabled.

Note: Product information also includes price and inventory. So, if you select product information and do not select a price, then also price will sync between the app and TikTok Shop.

To disable price or inventory syncing, make sure ‘Product Information’ is unchecked along with ‘Price’ and ‘Inventory’. 

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