3.2.How To Retrieve LIVE API Crednetials ↑ Back to Top
The user has to log in the Jet Partner panel to obtain the following LIVE API credentials:
- API User key
- Secret Key
- Merchant ID
To follow the process of copying and pasting of the Id, key and fulfillment node Id details, open the Jet Partner panel and the Jet Integration app on two different tabs or windows of the browser. Thus, copy the Live API Keys from the Jet Partner panel and paste them one by one on Step 3: Enter Live API page during following the Configuration Set Up process.
To copy the LIVE API credentials
- Go to the https://partner.jet.com/login link.
- Enter the Login credentials, and then click the Log in button.
The Login dialog box appears as shown in the following figure:
- To copy the LIVE API Keys, do the following steps:
a. In the left navigation panel, click the Live button.
b. In the left navigation panel, click the API link.
The page appears as shown in the following figure:
c. In the right panel, click the Get API Keys button.
The API Keys dialog box appears as shown in the following figure:
- Click the corresponding Copy to clipboard button one by one to copy each respective API credentials and then paste them one by one on in the respective fields those appear on Step 3: Enter Live API page of the store opened in another window or another tab.