

The app facilitates the creation of kitted products for Amazon MCF since the platform does not inherently support these types of products. To do this, switch to the “Kitting” tab in the product linking section.

Kitting Grid

The Following columns will be displayed in the Kitting section’s grid:

  • TikTok Products: It will show the product’s Title, SKU, Barcode & thumbnail.
  • Amazon MCF Products: If a kitted product has not been created for a specific TikTok product, there will be no products listed. However, if a kitted product is created, the count of items in the kit will be shown in the grid. Hovering over the count will display the associated MCF products.
  • Action: It will have a Manage bundle button only.

New Kitted Product Creation

When you click on the “Manage” button, a new popup will open, allowing you to create the kitted product. You can add MCF product(s) to be included in the kitted product. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to adjust the quantities of each MCF product. 

The app provides the convenience of searching for MCF products by their title or SKUs, as well as the option to remove MCF products inside a kitted product.

New Kitted Product creation

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