
Bulk Upload Products

To access the Bulk Products Upload page to manage various bulk upload related to product details

  1. Go to the Jet Integration App.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click the Products menu.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click Manage Products.
    The Manage Products page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. Click the Bulk Upload Products button.
    The page appears as shown in the following figure:
    All the uploaded product file details appear on this page.
  5. Click the Verify Uploaded File   VerifyUploadedFile  icon to verify the uploaded product.
    The status is updated in the corresponding STATUS column.
  6. Click the View Error  ViewErrorIcon icon to view the corresponding errors.
    Error details appear in the following dialog box:
  7. Click the Close button.

Another option to access the Bulk Products Uploads page

  1. Go to the Jet Integration App.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click the Products menu.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click Bulk Upload/Update.
    The page appears as shown in the following figure:

The admin can perform the following tasks from the Bulk Products Uploads page:

  • Upload New Products: Admin can upload the new products in bulk on
  • Bulk Price Update: Admin can update the price changes in bulk on
  • Bulk Inventory Update: Admin can update the inventory changes in bulk on
  • Submit Uploaded Products: Admin can submit the products those are already uploaded on after making any changes in them.
  • Export Validated CSV: Admin can export the validated CSV file of the products.

To upload new products

  1. Go to the Bulk Products Uploads page.
  2. Click the Upload New Products button.
    The bulk product upload processes and the upload status appears as shown in the following figure:

To update product prices in bulk

  1. Go to the Bulk Products Uploads page.
  2. Click the Bulk Price Update button.
    The bulk product price update processes and the update status appears as shown in the following figure:

To update product inventory in bulk

  1. Go to the Bulk Products Uploads page.
  2. Click the Bulk Inventory Update button.
    The bulk product inventory update processes and the update status appears as shown in the following figure:

To submit uploaded product

  1. Go to the Bulk Products Uploads page.
  2. Click the Menu  MeniIcon icon.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure: BulkProductsUpload_MenuIcon_MenuDisplay
  3. Click Submit Uploaded Products.
    The submission of the uploaded products is processed and the upload status appears as shown in the following figure:
    Note: If there is an error in the product upload, then it appears on the page. Otherwise, a success message appears.

To export the validated CSV file of the products

  1. Go to the Bulk Products Uploads page.
  2. Click the Menu  MeniIcon icon.
    The menu appears as shown in the following figure: BulkProductsUpload_MenuIcon_MenuDisplay
  3. Click Export Validated CSV.
  4. Click to select the Save File option, and then click the OK button.
    The CSV file is exported.
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